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What frequency are you calling in? 

What vibration are you sharing?

What future can you envision? 

Tap into your unlimited potential to create the reality of your dreams using this revolutionary Quantum Frequency technology!

Discover harmony, balance, alignment, increased energy, and enhanced vitality with the revolutionary holistic healing technique of quantum bioresonance therapy. This is a 90 minute virtual quantum healing session, including a complete health scan and balancing treatment in which the frequencies are sent directly into your quantum field to make powerful shifts towards peak health.

During this session I empower you to take your health into your own hands and regenerate from the inside-out on a deep cellular level. We will scan your entire body and energy field to see down to fine detail what is in or out of balance, then create a treatment protocol to restore health and harmony. This comprehensive scan shows more detail than a blood test by scanning your voice and photo (including eye iridology), so it can be done virtually.

Quantum Bioresonance Therapy is a way of healing with frequencies which are sent directly into your quantum field (as electromagnetic waves and sound), and has been shown over many cases to be extremely effective in treating patients for a variety of dis-ease, including autoimmune imbalances, infections, depression, addiction, pain, nerve damage, and even cancer.

In addition to the bioresonance healing frequencies, this extremely advanced and unique technology incorporates biofeedback as a way of reprogramming and rewiring the brain to a specific vibrational frequency by converting a written word, affirmation, or mantra into a frequency and encoding it into the entire treatment, thereby rewiring your brain to the vibration of that affirmation. During each treatment we choose the best affirmation for your journey, such as “I am  completely healthy, happy, free, and aligned with my highest Truth.”

Each virtual session is 90 minutes and includes a comprehensive scan and in-depth evaluation of each of the following, as well as a harmonizing treatment of the most significant items:

Mind: Brain anatomy, Emotions, Brain waves, Neurotransmitters, Bach Flower Essences

Body: Spinal Energy, Glands, Digestion, Sensitivities, Minerals, Vitamins, Hormones, Infection, Body Systems, Organs, Amino Acids, Electrical sensitivities 

Energy field: Sacred geometry: Solfleggio tones, Meridians, Chakras, Aura, Spiritual Protection (e.g. Clearing entities, releasing attachments, surround and protecting the aura)

Special Frequency Libraries: Gene Key DNA Activations, PTSD and Trauma Release, Brain Health and Brain Hemisphere Synchronization, Microbiome and Gut Healing, Liver/Gallbladder Flush, Insomnia Assessment and Treatment, Targeted Parasite Scan and Cleanse, Violet Flame and Transmutation, Abundance and Manifesting, Miracles and Transformation, Divine God/Goddess Mantras

Complete Quantum Regeneration 2 Month Program

Complete Quantum Regeneration 2 Month Program

In this Complete Quantum Regeneration 2 Month Bioresonance Program you will Quantum Leap into your dream reality, regenerate your body from the inside-out, and completely heal your mind, body, and spirit on all levels using a revolutionary miracle technology called Quantum Bioresonance. The frequencies are paired with a unique parasite cleansing kit and, in the Vibe + Light option, a cutting edge infrared light healing tool for physical regeneration and collagen stimulation for reverse aging and deep tissue radiance.

What Clients are saying about Bioresonance Sessions with Nik…

“The analysis and treatment plan is only half the story, the care, compassion and support from Nik during the process allowed me to explore my personal situation as part of the therapeutic process. Nik guided me through the results and I felt safe and held as I explored how to move my life and wellbeing forward in a positive way. I could best describe it as a complete health checkup, treatment plan and coaching session all rolled into one. If you feel drawn to the work explore it with an open mind and allow Nik and the biofeedback to work their magic!”

~ David B.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 

~ Nikola Tesla